Before The Burning Begins

Before we set fire to our brand new Cat 5 Engine, here is what it looks like before the burning begins! Not long after these photographs were taken, a group of Polish Airport Firefighters had the honour of tackling a training exercise on this rig!

Polish Airport Firefighters At The IFTC

This week, it was a pleasure to be joined by Polish Airport Firefighters for training on our fire ground! Pictured is the team working on the fully upgraded Cat 5 rig at the IFTC.

A Note Of Gratitude

It really is the best feeling when our customers leaving us fantastic feedback about their stay with us! A Captain on a recent overseas course at the International Fire Training Centre left us this note for the Residential Services team to thank them for their work!

You Said…We Did!

Feedback from our customers shapes how we train and it is so important to us here at the International Fire Training Centre...