IFTC Theory Training

At the International Fire Training Centre, we love our practical training ground! But we also enjoy our theoretical training in the classroom too, so here are some images of our delegates from Saudi taking part in one of our classroom sessions at the IFTC.

Welcome To The IFTC’s Facilities

If you haven't visited the International Fire Training Centre, you maybe surprised at some of our facilities away from the fire ground! The welfare and experience of our students really does mean the world to us, calm and well rested students make better learners and take a whole array of skills away with them after their training with IFTC.

Don’t Miss Out On These 2019 Course Dates!

It's officially August, which means there is only a few months left of 2019! We have some fantastic courses programmed in for the remainder of this year, and have limited availability on the following courses below. Why not book today, so you don't miss out on your place!