
Aviation Courses

Practical live fire training is undertaken on one of the most extensive and comprehensive fire training grounds in the world, burning either liquid propane or HVO fuel for a safer, healthier, more environmentally friendly alternative to jet fuel whilst maintaining a truly authentic fire training experience.

The training area has taxiways/aprons and a full range of passenger aircraft simulators including a purpose built Category 10 rig, to reflect the challenges faced by aerodromes operating every type of aircraft allowing for large scale exercising with multiple appliances and command vehicles included.

Here is a list of our current aviation courses, please click the arrow to the right of the course name for further details.

2025 Course schedule available here.

Course for Managers

Airport Fire Service Managers Course SFJ AwardsFive Day Course

The IFTC is offering training that leads to a Skills for Justice Level 4 qualification in operations management for fire service personnel. The course will comprise a wide range of blended learning activities including pre-course study, taught sessions in the classroom, incident simulation, case study analysis, one-to-one coaching and tutorials, and the identification of additional learning needs through a personal development plan. To find out more, please view our brochure here: Airport Fire Service Managers Course.

Operational Silver Command Intermediate Incident Command (SFJ Level 4 Award)Five Day Course

This five day course will be run as a SFJ intermediate incident command. There will be two options for learners, a full SFJ course with post course assignment leading to SFJ accreditation and for delegates who do not want to complete the assignment there will be a certificate of attendance issued by IFTC. To find out more, please view our brochure here: Operational (Silver) Level Incident Command Course

Course for Supervisors

Supervisor InitialTwo Week Course

This programme is designed for personnel who will undertake the responsibility of Incident/Watch Command.  It provides advanced instruction in Command and Control principles and the day-to-day Management requirements of the Rescue and Firefighting Service (RFFS). To find out more, please view our brochure here: Supervisor Initial

Supervisor RevalidationOne Week Course

This programme is designed for personnel who are currently in the role of Watch Commander.  It provides the opportunity for candidates to demonstrate that the knowledge and skills acquired during initial training at this level is being effectively maintained. To find out more, please view our brochure here: Supervisor Revaldiation

Low Category Aerodrome Supervisor InitialOne Week Course

Persons with Fire and Rescue Service duties at Category 2* licensed aerodromes should attend this course.

*(persons with similar responsibilities at Special and Category One airports will find this programme very useful and as such are eligible for nomination). To find out more, please view our brochure here: Low Category Initial

Low Category Aerodrome Supervisor RevalidationThree Day Course

The programme is designed for personnel who have already successfully completed the Low Category Aerodrome Supervisor Initial programme or equivalent, and have consolidated that knowledge with further application in the workplace. To find out more, please view our brochure here: Low Category Revalidation

Incident Command Initial (formerly Crew Commander Incident Command Initial)One Week Course

The aim of this structured programme is to provide learning opportunities for personnel who may be required to support the Supervisor (Watch Commander) in effecting command and control at aircraft accidents/incidents. To find out more, please view our brochure here: Incident Command Initial

Incident Command Revalidation (formerly Crew Commander Incident Command Revalidation)One Week Course

This programme is designed for personnel who are currently in the role of Crew Commander.  It provides the opportunity for candidates to demonstrate that the knowledge and skills acquired during initial training at this level is being effectively maintained. To find out more, please view our brochure here: Incident Command Revalidation

Course for Firefighters

Bridging Firefighter ElementTwo Week Course

This programme is designed for experienced firefighters looking to enter an airport fire service.It provides the technical and practical knowledge required to meet the specific risks of aerodrome operation. To find out more, please view our brochure here: Firefighter Bridging

Firefighter InitialFive Week Course

The Firefighter Initial Structured Learning Programme (SLP) is designed to provide initial learning and development opportunities to enable individuals to acquire competence in the Aerodrome Firefighter role. To find out more, please view our brochure here: Firefighter Initial

Firefighter RevalidationOne Week Course

This programme is designed for personnel in the role of Firefighter.  It concentrates on the core competencies required (including CFBT) for the effective deployment of equipment and personnel in order to deal with an aircraft accident/incident. To find out more, please view our brochure here: Firefighter Revalidation

ROC SchemeBi-Annual Course

Can you release your shifts for one day twice per annum for ROC training? To find out more, please view our brochure here: ROC Scheme