Introducing Our NEW Supervisor Initial Programme

Supervisor Initial

In September, we successfully hosted our first new Supervisor Initial programme, which is designed to meet the aviation fire services’ needs in terms of compliance, quality, customer experience and relevance!

Delivered on the UK’s most varied and versatile fire training ground, the course has been developed by working in partnership with our customers and is quality assured under ICAO’s TrainAir Plus approval regime.

The programme has already received rave reviews from delegates, including “Throughout the course I continued to grow” and “Course was excellent and delivered all I expected and more.” 

There are currently four dates in 2021 for you to book on this course:

📅 1st February – 12th February
📅 10th May – 21st May
📅 27th September – 8th October
📅 22nd November – 3rd December

For full details of the programme, please view the brochure. 

To book this course or to find out more, please contact us on:
T: 01325 333317


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